Sunday, January 16, 2011

Ixchel Arrives

A Break In The Clouds, originally uploaded by Shutter Priorities.

Day 16 of 365

I pondered throughout the day what I was going to shoot for the project. I was inspired by many things like blue waffle batter, Seahawks memorabilia, dogs and cupcakes. But nothing was more inspiring then the moon this evening.

I first noticed it peeking in and out of the clouds as I drove my son across town. As much as I love my son, I really wanted to get back home to set up the camera and get a good stable shot.

When I did arrive home the conditions weren't perfect. The shot was there I just had to wait it out. The clouds where quickly whisping by and the moon, in perfect form, kept appearing and disappearing.

Persistence pays off, I only wish I had a better lens.

Thanks Ixchel.

1 comment:

  1. HORY SHEET!!!
    Better lens, schmetter lens! This is awesome!
